8th Grade Math Worksheets Mapping Table
Use our tables below to map our worksheets to deliverable skills from the 8th Grade Common Core framework. Click the links in the ‘worksheets’ section to navigate to applicable worksheets for each of the core competencies.
Deliverable Skills:
- Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers.
- Work with radicals and integer exponents.
- Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations.
- Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.
- Define, evaluate, and compare functions.
- Use functions to model relationships between quantities.
- Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
- Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
- Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones and spheres.
- Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.
Last Updated: November 2024