Listed below are the educational activities and games that have been developed for the web site. Also listed are a number of fun math games that have been created for the BBC Schools web site. These games will be especially useful for Kindergarten through 3rd grade although they can be used by any student that wants to practice their math in a fun way.
You will also find some of the games below, along with others, listed on the multiplication games page and also on the addition and subtraction games page.
Latest Additions
December 2019: The 10 matching games below offer practice with shapes, rounding, and with decimals.
- 2D Shapes With Their Names
- Shapes With Their Defining Attributes
- Rounding to the Nearest Ten
- Rounding to the Nearest Hundred
- Rounding to the Nearest Whole Number
- Rounding to the Nearest Tenth
- Rounding to the Nearest Hundredth
- Decimals in Expanded Form
- Decimals in Word Form
- Comparing Decimals To Thousandths
Multiplication games
Games for practicing times tables
More multiplication games
These are basic math fact games developed for
The challenge is to aim the sight and fire at any of four targets – ideally at the one that shows the correct answer to the multiplication problem!
- 2 times table (2 x 1 to 2 x 12)
- 3 times table (3 x 1 to 3 x 12)
- 4 times table (4 x 1 to 4 x 12)
- 5 times table (5 x 1 to 5 x 12)
- 6 times table (6 x 1 to 6 x 12)
- 7 times table (7 x to 7 x 12)
- 8 times table (8 x 1 to 8 x 12)
- 9 times table (9 x 1 to 9 x 12)
Build the answer
These multiplication games require the “magnets” to be moved to make the correct answer.
- 2 times table (10 questions)
- 3 times table (10 questions)
- 4 times table (10 questions)
- 5 times table (10 questions)
- 6 times table (10 questions)
- 7 times table (10 questions)
- 8 times table (10 questions)
- 9 times table (10 questions)
- 2 to 5 times tables (20 questions)
- 6 to 9 times tables (20 questions)
- 2 to 9 times tables (20 questions)
Algebra Games
Composite or Prime number?
Fraction games
- Match the fraction with the picture
- Fractions in numbers and in words
- Matching Equivalent Fractions
- Target Equivalent Fractions
- Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages
Addition and subtraction games
The game below has options for finding a number that is one or two less than, or one or two more than the given number and also to have both timed and untimed versions. It provides practice with number relationships with numbers to 10 and is typically suited to students around the 1st grade level.
- 1 or 2 more than or 1 or 2 less than (e.g. 2 more than 5 or 1 less than 9)
This number partitions game is good for building foundation skills for addition and subtraction.
- Addition: Sums to 9 e.g. 4 + 3
- Addition: Sums to 19 e.g. 9 + 8
- Subtraction: Single Digits e.g. 7 – 2
- Subtraction: e.g. 17 – 8
The games below require the numbers and signs to be moved around to make the correct answer.
- Addition (to 9)
- Addition (to 19: 1 of 2)
- Addition (to 19: 2 of 2)
- Subtraction (to 9)
- Subtraction (to 19)
- Addition/ Subtraction (to 9)
- Addition/ Subtraction (to 19)
- Adding 3 Numbers (to 10 & to 20)
Making 10 Games
And this addition and subtraction game mixes up numbers and signs for a slightly different challenge