Listed below are all the Addition and Subtraction worksheets available on the site. There are fact family worksheets up to 9. The addition and subtraction worksheets included both numbers to 10 and numbers to 20. There is also a versatile worksheet generator that allows for a limitless number of addition and/ or subtraction questions.
- Worksheet Generators
- Number bonds to 10
- More number bonds
- Fact families
- Addition and subtraction facts
- Adding/ Subtracting – to 10
- Bridging 10 (and multiples of 10)
- Adding/ Subtracting – to 20
- A little bit different
- Adding/ Subtracting – to 100
- Larger numbers
- Three or more numbers
- Third/ Fourth Grade
Worksheet Generator
The addition and subtraction worksheet generators allow you to create a wide-range and limitless number of problems by setting a variety of parameters. These include the options to produce large-print worksheets and to limit the number of questions which can accommodate a variety of student needs.Addition/ Subtraction Worksheet Generator (adding and/or subtracting zeros, ones, and/or doubles)Addition/ Subtraction Worksheet Generator (Cuisenaire Rod-like)Addition/ Subtraction Worksheet GeneratorAdding & Subtracting with 3 Numbers (e.g. 5 + 6 + 3 = 14, 12 – 3 + 7 = 16)Subtracting with Regrouping Ten (includes base ten block visuals)Subtraction with regrouping (with place value blocks)Customizable Addition Worksheet GeneratorAddition & Subtraction WorksheetsCustomizable Subtraction Worksheet Generator
Number bonds to 10
The number bond worksheets provide foundation activities that help students with number bonds to help develop an understanding of how numbers can be put together or broken apart.
- Number bonds to 10 e.g.3 + ___ = 10
- Addition within 10 (2-page worksheet with Cuisenaire Sandwiches)
- Addition & Subtraction within 10 (2-page worksheet with Cuisenaire Sandwiches)
- Number Bonds to 10 (worksheet/ activity)
- Number Bonds to 9 (worksheet/ activity)
- Number Bonds to 8 (worksheet/ activity)
- Number Bonds to 7 (worksheet/ activity)
- Number Bonds to 6 (worksheet/ activity)
- Number Bonds to 5 (worksheet/ activity)
- Number Bonds to 4 (worksheet/ activity)
- Complements to 10 Number Search Complements to 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10
- Number bonds for 3 & 4
- Number bonds for 5
- Number bonds for 6
- Number bonds for 7
- Number bonds for 8
- Number bonds for 9
- Number bonds for 4 & 5 : Stacked to color
- Number bonds for 6, 7, & 8 : Stacked to color
- Number bonds for 9 & 10 : Stacked to color
- Number Bonds (Numbers to 10) – 13 Pages
Number bonds
More number bonds with multiples of 10 up to 100.
- Number bonds to 20 e.g.8 + ___ = 20
- Number bonds to 30 e.g.26 + ___ = 30
- Number bonds to 40 e.g.12 + ___ = 40
- Number bonds to 50 e.g.17 + ___ = 50
- Number bonds to 100 e.g. 43 + ___ = 100
- Number Bonds To 100 (with blank number lines)
Fact Families
Fact families help students to learn aritmetic facts and, at the same time reinforce the connection between addition and subtraction. Examples include 3 + 4 = 7, 4 + 3 =7, 7 – 3 = 4, 7 – 4 = 3
- Fact Families for 4 & for 5 e.g. 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 – 2 = 3, 5 – 3 = 2
- Fact Families for 6
- Fact Families for 7
- Fact Families for 8
- Fact Families for 9
Addition and Subtraction Facts
This series of worksheets were developed by Susan Greenwald, MA Ed. and are taken from her Two Plus Two is Not Five workbook. Learn more about Susan Greenwald here.
- Basic Addition Number +1
- Basic Facts: Adding Zero
- Basic Facts: Zeros & Doubles
- Basic Facts
- Adding Doubles
- Basic Facts: Review
- Doubles Subtraction
- Basic Facts: Addition & Subtraction
- Addition & Subtraction Facts
- Subtraction Facts: Right Next To Each Other
- Basic Facts: Subtraction
- Basic Facts: Number Plus One
- Addition & Subtraction Facts
- Doubles Subtraction
- Adding & Subtracting Facts
- Adding 2 Worksheet: 2 Ladder
- Basic Facts: 2 Ladder & Doubles
- Basic Facts: Practice All Tricks
- Basic Facts: Doubles & Number +1
- Basic Facts: Number +1 & Doubles
- Basic Addition & Subtraction: Backward 1
- Basic Facts: Addition & Subtraction
- Addition & Subtraction Facts
- Basic Facts: Number +1 , Doubles, & backwards 1
- Basic Facts: Number +1 , Doubles, & backwards 1
To 10
Addition and subtraction within 10.
- Numbers to 9 (3 of 3) e.g. 8 – 4
- 1-digit numbers e.g. 6 + 3, 9 – 4
- Numbers to 9 (1 of 3) e.g. 8 – 4 (both horizontal and vertical formats)
- Sums to 9 (1 of 3) e.g. 6 + 3 (both horizontal and vertical addition)
- Numbers to 9 (2 of 3) e.g. 8 – 4 (both horizontal and vertical formats)
- Sums to 9 (2 of 3) e.g. 6 + 3 (both horizontal and vertical addition)
- Sums to 9 (3 of 3) e.g. 6 + 3
- Missing Numbers With Adding & Subtracting to 10 #1 e.g. 6 – __ = 4, __ + 3 = 7
- Missing Numbers With Adding & Subtracting to 10 #2
The ability for students to be able to bridge over 10 and over multiples of 10 can be practiced using the worksheets below.
- Making (Bridging) 10 e.g. 7 + 4, 8 + 5
- Making (Bridging) Multiples of 10 e.g. 17 + 5, 78 + 7
- Addition with Making (Bridging) 10 & Cuisenaire Rods e.g. 7 + 6 = 7 + 3 + 3 = 10 + 3 = 13
To 20
- Sums to 12 e.g. 8 + 4
- Missing Numbers With Adding & Subtracting to 20 #1
- Missing Numbers With Adding & Subtracting to 20 #2 e.g. 12 – __ = 7, __ + 9 = 17
- Numbers to 18 e.g. 9 + 9, 18 – 6
- Numbers to 12 e.g. 11 – 6
- Numbers to 19 (3 of 3) e.g. 17 – 8
- Numbers to 19 (1 of 3) e.g. 18 – 5 (both horizontal and vertical formats)
- Sums to 19 (1 of 3) e.g. 12 + 4 (both horizontal and vertical addition & no “bridging 10”)
- Numbers to 19 (2 of 3) e.g. 14 – 8 (both horizontal and vertical formats)
- Sums to 19 (2 of 3) e.g. 9 + 8 (both horizontal and vertical addition)
- Sums to 19 (3 of 3) e.g. 9 + 9
Slightly Different
Worksheets that present addition and subtraction in alternative ways and a variety of formats.
- Problems to 10 # 1
- Problems to 10 # 2
- Problems to 20 # 1
- Problems to 20 # 2
- Adding Three Numbers (within 20) e.g. 6 + 5 + 7
- Adding Three Numbers With Two Adding To 10 (within 20) e.g. 7 + 3 + 8
- Mappings to 10 # 1 e.g. add 2 to 4, 6, 7, & 8
- Mappings to 10 # 2
- Mappings to 20 # 1 e.g. add 6 to 7, 8, 9, & 11
- Mappings to 20 # 2
- Adding To Subtract e.g. 45 – 27 = (45+3 = 48) – (27+3=30) = 18
- Adding 3 Numbers (in easiest order) e.g. 27 + 13 + 15
- Breaking Numbers Apart (3-Page Addition and Subtraction Worksheet)
To 100
- 2-digit & 1-digit – no regrouping e.g. 34 + 5, 56 – 4
- 2-digit numbers – no regrouping e.g. 42 + 36, 34 + 12
- 2-digit numbers – regrouping e.g. 47 + 16, 78 – 29
- 2-digit – 1-digit – no regrouping e.g. 68 – 5
- 2-digit – 1-digit – regrouping e.g. 65 – 7
- 2-digit – 2 -digit – no regrouping e.g. 86 – 43
- 2-digit – 2-digit – regrouping e.g. 57 – 39
- 2-digit + 2-digit – regrouping e.g. 47 + 16
- 2-digit + 1-digit – no regrouping e.g. 34 + 5
- 2-digit + 2 -digit – no regrouping e.g. 42 + 36
Larger Numbers
These worksheet typically include numbers above 100.
- Addition & Subtraction: 1 of 3 (within 1000)
- Addition & Subtraction: 2 of 3 (within 1000)
- Addition & Subtraction: 3 of 3 (within 1000)
Three or more
Adding with 3 of more numbers
- Three 1-digit numbers (with two adding up to 10) e.g. 7 + 5 + 3
- Three 1-digit numbers e.g. 3 + 4 + 8
- Three 2-digit numbers e.g. 35 + 14 + 26
- Four 1-digit numbers e.g. 3 + 4 + 8 + 2
Third/ Fourth Grade
These worksheets are typically suited to older students – 8 years old and up – and include adding and subtracting with numbers above 1,000.
- 3-digit – 2-digit numbers e.g. 145 – 52
- 3-digit – 2-digit numbers e.g. 145 – 57
- 3-digit – 3-digit numbers e.g. 345 – 167
- 3-digit sums e.g. 45 + 82
- 3-digit sums (carrying tens) e.g. 68 + 56
- 5-digit numbers e.g. 47324 + 24743 + 3255
- Addition & Subtraction (larger numbers) e.g. up to 999,999
- Addition with up to 8 Numbers: Worksheet Generator
- 4-digit numbers e.g. 3286 – 1468
- Three 3-digit numbers e.g. 247 + 114 + 598
- Four 4-digit numbers e.g. 2347 + 1214 + 5198 + 6548
- Addition & Subtraction Worksheet (Challenging) (4 pages)
Most of the worksheets include a “Show Answer” option which can be selected to allow answer sheets to be viewed and printed off.