Absolute value calculator is used to calculate the numbers which consist of numbers users put into calculations.
Absolute Value Calculator
Absolute Value Calculator is a free online tool that helps to find the absolute value of a given number. The absolute value represents the magnitude of a number without including the sign.
What Is Absolute Value Calculator?
Absolute Value Calculator computes the absolute value of a positive or a negative number. The absolute value of a number is represented by a modulus sign. Quantities like distance, time, price, etc., are always given by their absolute values. To use the absolute value calculator, enter the number in the given input box.
How to Use the Absolute Value Calculator?
Follow the steps mentioned below to find the absolute value of a number using the online absolute value calculator.
- Open the absolute value calculator on your web browser.
- Enter the number for which you want to calculate the absolute value in the input field provided.
- Click on the “Calculate” button to get the result.
- The calculator will display the absolute value of the entered number as output.
How Does Absolute Value Calculator Work?
The absolute value calculator is a simple tool that performs a mathematical operation known as absolute value. Absolute value is a measure of the distance between a number and zero, without regard to the sign (positive or negative) of the number.
The absolute value of a number is always a positive number, and it is represented by two vertical bars on either side of the number. For example, the absolute value of -5 is written as |-5|, which is equal to 5.
The absolute value calculator works by taking the number that you input and applying the absolute value function to it. The function checks the sign of the number and returns the magnitude (positive value) of the number, regardless of whether it was originally positive or negative.
Here’s how the absolute value function works:
- If the input number is positive, the absolute value function simply returns the same number.
- If the input number is negative, the absolute value function changes the sign of the number to make it positive, and then returns the positive value.
- If the input number is zero, the absolute value function returns 0.
For example, let’s say you want to find the absolute value of -7 using the calculator. The calculator takes the input number (-7), checks its sign (negative), and applies the absolute value function to it. The function changes the sign of -7 to make it positive (7), and returns the positive value as the output.
In summary, the absolute value calculator works by applying the absolute value function to a given number, which checks the sign of the number and returns the magnitude (positive value) of the number.
Solved Examples on Absolute Value
- Find the absolute value of -8.
Solution: The absolute value of a number is always a positive number. Since -8 is a negative number, we need to change the sign to make it positive. Thus, the absolute value of -8 is |-8| = 8.
- Evaluate the expression |-3| + |7|.
Solution: The absolute value of -3 is 3 (since we need to change the sign to make it positive), and the absolute value of 7 is 7. Thus, |-3| + |7| = 3 + 7 = 10.
- Solve the equation |2x – 5| = 9.
Solution: The equation |2x – 5| = 9 means that the distance between 2x – 5 and 0 is 9. We need to consider both positive and negative distances, since absolute value represents the distance regardless of sign. So, we have two cases to consider:
Case 1: 2x – 5 = 9. In this case, we get 2x = 14 and x = 7.
Case 2: 2x – 5 = -9. In this case, we get 2x = -4 and x = -2.
Thus, the solutions of the equation |2x – 5| = 9 are x = 7 and x = -2.
These are just a few examples of how absolute value can be used in mathematics.