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Multiplying fractions with whole numbers is a process of adding all the given fractions as many times as what the whole number requires.
- Multiplication is one among the four basic operations, the three being addition, subtraction and division.
- The equation is composed of multiplicand, multiplier and product.
- It implies repeated addition of the multiplicand (to itself) as many times as what the multiplier implies.
The process of multiplying a fraction and a whole number may be explained similarly with multiplying two fractions. See the example below.
Given: ½ x 5 = ?
Step 1: Express the whole number as a fraction. Whole numbers have “imaginary” denominator equal to 1.
Step 2: Multiply the parts of the fraction. Multiply the numerators and denominators individually.
Step 3: SImplify if possible. Improper fractions shall always be transformed to mixed numbers for final answer.
One way to check the answer is by adding the fraction as many times as the value of the whole number.
One way to determine the product of a fraction and a whole number is through visual representation.
When a word problem is given, one can tell that it implies multiplication with the help of clue words. Some of these clue words are listed below.
double, triple
each factor
groups of
in all
- “one-half times five”
- “one-half multiplied by five”
- “product of one-half and five”
- “five groups of one-half”
All these translates to: “½ x 5” or vice versa, if commutative property of multiplication is applied
Multiplying Fractions with Whole Numbers with Word Problems (with denominators from 2 to 6) Worksheets
This is a fantastic bundle which includes everything you need to know about Multiplying Fractions with Whole Numbers with Word Problems (with denominators from 2 to 6) across 15+ in-depth pages. These are ready-to-use Common core aligned Grade 4 Math worksheets.
Each ready to use worksheet collection includes 10 activities and an answer guide. Not teaching common core standards? Don’t worry! All our worksheets are completely editable so can be tailored for your curriculum and target audience.
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