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Order of Months


Learning the months of the year might be difficult for students. They may find it more challenging to memorize the names of the months in order than to recall the names themselves.

In this article, the different months of the year and their order will be covered.

What is a month?


An average month consists of around 30 days. In the past, the number of months was calculated based on the time it took for the moon to orbit the Earth. The moon completes its orbit around the Earth in around 29.5 days. Therefore, it is decided that each month will be around 30 days long.

A year has 12 different months. Approximately four and a half weeks make up a month.

What are the months of the year?

There are 365 days a year, which is made up of 12 months. The beginning six months and the last six months of the year can be separated into two halves. January marks the start of the first half and concludes in June. The second half of the year begins in July, and the last month is December.

There are 30 days in each of the four months: April, June, September, and November.

There are 31 days in each of the seven months: January, March, May, July, August, October, and December.

The only month with exactly 28 days is February. However, Every four years or on leap years, it has 29 days. There is a day extra in every year that is a multiple of 4, and that day is February 29.

These are the names of the 12 months of the year.

  1. January ( 31 days )
  2. February ( 28 days, 29 days on a leap year )
  3. March ( 31 days )
  4. April (30 days )
  5. May ( 31 days )
  6. June ( 30 days )
  7. July ( 31 days )
  8. August ( 31 days )
  9. September ( 30 days )
  10. October ( 31 days )
  11. November ( 30 days )
  12. December ( 31 days )

How to Learn the Order of Months?

To easily learn the order of the months of the year is to learn the six months at a time. 

The first six months of the year are:

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June

The six months of the second half of the year are:

  1. July
  2. August
  3. September
  4. October
  5. November
  6. December

To help you recall the months of the year, it can be beneficial to link occasions, holidays, or birthdays.


Example 1

Which month is missing?





The list does not include March, which is the third month of the year.

Example 2

Which month is missing?





The list does not include October, which is the tenth month of the year.

Example 3

Which month is missing?





The second month of the year, February is missing.

Example 4

Which months are missing?









The fourth, seventh, and eleventh months are missing from the list. The fourth month is April, the seventh month is July, and the eleventh month is November.

Months that have exactly 30 days

In a year, the four months that have exactly 30 days are April, June, September, and November.

Months that have exactly 31 days

The only seven months in a year having exactly 31 days are the following: January, March, May, July, August, October, and December.

What is a Leap Year?

Unlike a regular year, which has 365 days, a leap year has 366 days. Every four years, there are leap years. In leap years, February 29th is added as an additional day.

If the last two digits of a year are divisible by 4, it is a leap year. When a year’s last two digits are 00, check whether its first two digits are divisible by 4 to determine whether it is a leap year.

Let us say, for example, the following years:


The year 2024 has the final two digits of 24, which is divisible by 4. Hence, 2024 is a leap year.

The year 2016 has the final two digits of 16, which is divisible by 4. Thus, 2016 is a leap year.

The year 2010 has the final two digits of 10, which is not divisible by 4. Therefore, 2010 is not a leap year.

The year 1960 has the final two digits of 60, which is divisible by 4. Hence, 1960 is a leap year.

The year 2007 has the final two digits of 07, which is not divisible by 4. Therefore, 2007 is not a leap year.

The year 1800 has the final two digits of 00. We will have to look at the first two digits, which is 18. Since 18 is not divisible by 4, 1800 is not a leap year.

Method for Remembering the Order of Months of the Year

Knuckles Method

The “knuckles” strategy includes using your knuckles and the gaps between them to remember how many days are the number in each month. Pull your hands into fists in front of you to begin. The back of your hand should now be on top when you flip them over.

Now, keep in mind that your knuckles stand in for the 31-day months. The space in between each knuckle represents the remaining months.

One Handed Method

One way to recall how many days in each month is to count on the knuckles of one’s hand. Knuckles are counted as 31 days, while spaces between knuckles are counted as 30 or 28/29 days. One counts from the little finger knuckle, which is represented by January, to the index finger knuckle, which is represented by July, while stating the months as they go. After that, one goes back to August’s little finger knuckle and continues for the remaining months.

Two-Handed Method

Another method involves two hands, beginning with the left little finger knuckle and proceeding to the left index finger knuckle. After that, hop to the knuckle of the right fist’s index finger’s knuckle and end on the ring finger’s knuckle.

Months Table

The table below shows the order of months of the year with the month number and abbreviations and the days in months.

NumberName and AbbreviationDays is a Month
1January ( Jan )31 days
2February ( Feb )28 days ( 29 days on leap year )
3March ( Mar )31 days
4April ( Apr )30 days
5May31 days
6June ( Jun )30 days
7July ( Jul )31 days
8August ( Aug )31 days
9September ( Sep )30 days
10October ( Oct )31 days
11November ( Nov )30 days
12December ( Dec )31 days

Facts About Months


January, the first month of the year, has 31 days in it, with January 1st being designated as New Year’s Day. This month is bursting with hope and fresh starts.

The Roman god of beginnings, Janus, inspired its name. 

Extremes are abundant in January. The month of January is frequently the coldest and snowiest in the northern hemisphere, but it is by far the hottest in the southern hemisphere.


February, the second month of the year, has 28 or 29 days. The shortest month of the year is February, which has just 29 days in a leap year. A leap day is a name given to this extra day on February 29.

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in February, and couples frequently scurry around looking for an I Love You teddy bear or box of chocolates.

The month of February is named after the Roman festival of purification known as Februa. It was the final month of the Roman calendar year. Later, they revised it, making it the second month.

Eventually, it was cut down to 23 or 24 days. To synchronize the year with the seasons, it was occasionally extended to 27 days. It now has 28 days; however, every four years, in a leap year, that number increases to 29 days.


March, which is the third month of the year, has 31 days.

It has the name Mars, the Roman god of war.

Typically, March signals the end of the winter and the start of spring.

Although you might not think March is especially remarkable, it hosts several holidays. Easter and Lent frequently coincide in March. This usually occurs simultaneously with the Vernal Equinox when the days begin to lengthen.

Every year on March 8th, we mark International Women’s Day.


April, which is the fourth month of the year, has 30 days.

The name of this month comes from the Roman month Aprilis.

In the northern hemisphere, April marks the second month of spring.

In many parts of the world, April signals the start of spring. For many, the lengthening days and rising temperatures signal the end of winter.

It’s April Fool’s Day on the first of the month. It’s the perfect time of year to pull mischievous pranks on friends and family. On April 1st, you should always be highly skeptical of everything you read.

Earth Day is a celebration of environmental preservation that takes place every year on April 22.


The year’s fifth month is May. May has 31 days in it.

It is called after the fertility god of the Romans.

May Day or Workers’ Day is observed on May 1. Memorial Day is observed on May 31.

The second Sunday in May is designated as Mother’s Day.

The northern hemisphere’s spring season ends in May.


June, the sixth month of the year, has 30 days.

It has the name of June, the Roman goddess of women.

In the northern hemisphere, June marks the start of summer.

It usually has the greatest daylight hours, which implies unending summer barbecues. Additionally, it’s a fantastic chance to catch some vitamin D or take a much-needed trip abroad.

June is a highlight for those who appreciate the occasional sweet treat. On June 2, it’s National Rocky Road Day, and on June 7, it’s National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.


July, the seventh month of the year, has 31 days.

It bears the name of the famous Roman general Julius Caesar.

In the northern hemisphere, July marks the second month of summer. In the northern hemisphere, July is a month for vacations, outdoor activities with loved ones, and soaking in the sun. Even though it may be hot north of the equator, July is the coldest month for people living in the Earth’s southern hemisphere.

On July 1, Canada Day is honored, and on July 4, American Independence Day.


August, which is the eighth month of the year, has 31 days.

It bears the name Augustus in honor of the Roman Emperor.

In the northern hemisphere, August marks the end of summer. August in the northern hemisphere is known as the “dog days of summer.” The last few weeks of summer vacation are enjoyed by many individuals in the parks and beaches. The weather is gloriously warm, and the gardens are abundant with veggies ready for picking. It’s such a wonderful month in August.

August is a time to unwind and re-energize for the upcoming school year and the upcoming fall season.


September, which is the ninth month of the year, has 30 days.

Sept, which translates to “seven” in Latin, was the original seventh month in the Roman calendar, hence the name September.

Autumn officially begins in the northern hemisphere in September. The fall equinox occurs on September 22nd in the northern hemisphere. This indicates that the hours of the day and night are the same. The length of the day will start to become shorter from this point on.

Still beautiful and warm outside. A peak has been reached for fruits and vegetables. Colorful leaf change is already starting. We also can reconnect with old friends who may have been away throughout the summer.

September is the most frequent month to cultivate your grains and begin selling them to others. September is referred to as “harvest month” by farmers or gardeners.

Labor Day is observed in the USA on the first Monday in September.


October has 31 days and is the tenth month of the year.

Since this month was once the eighth in the Roman calendar, October is derived from the Latin word oct, which means eight.

The northern hemisphere’s second month of fall is October. We are still benefiting from the summer even though the days are growing shorter and cooler in the Northern Hemisphere.

For various crops, including apples, carrots, grapes, onions, potatoes, and squash, October is considered the best harvesting month.

The leaf-changing season is a big tourist draw and is one of October’s most eye-catching activities. People travel to the northeast of the United States during the fall when vast areas of maple, birch, and poplar trees change from green to brilliant reds, yellows, and oranges.

Halloween is observed on October 31st at night.

One of the most cherished holidays in Hindu culture is Diwali, often known as the festival of lights.


November, which is the eleventh month of the year, has 30 days.

Because nove in Latin signifies nine, the month of November is thus named. It is interesting to note that November was the ninth month on the calendar before adding January and February.

On November 1, All Saints’ Day, and on November 2, All Souls’ Day, respectively, are observed.

Every November 5 in the UK, there is a celebration known as “Bonfire Night” or “Guy Fawkes Night.”

The fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving in the United States. The presidential election in the United States of America is always in November. The farmers are the key factor. The month of November was decided upon as the most sensible month for everyone to be able to vote to avoid interfering with the planting, growing, or harvest seasons.

In the northern hemisphere, November signals the end of the fall season.


December has 31 days in it and is the twelfth month of the year.

Dec is Latin for ten, hence the name December. Before January and February were later added by Roman emperor Numa Pompilius, the early Roman calendar only had ten months, making December the last month of the year.

The final month of the year, December gives a sense of things coming to an end. December allows us to have one last celebration before recharging and refocusing for the coming year.

Christmas Eve is on December 24, Christmas Day is on December 25, and New Year’s Eve is on December 31. We find ourselves with the individuals we cherish the most as the year comes to an end. We take pleasure in our traditional holiday activities, spend time with our families, and assess the past year.


An average month consists of around 30 days. 

A year has 12 different months. Approximately four and a half weeks make up a month.

The following is the list of months in order:

  1. January ( 31 days )
  2. February ( 28 days, 29 days on a leap year )
  3. March ( 31 days )
  4. April (30 days )
  5.  May ( 31 days )
  6. June ( 30 days )
  7. July ( 31 days )
  8. August ( 31 days )
  9. September ( 30 days )
  10. October ( 31 days )
  11. November ( 30 days )
  12. December ( 31 days )

The beginning six months and the last six months of the year can be separated into two halves. January marks the start of the first half and concludes in June. The second half of the year begins in July, and the last month is December.

There are 30 days in each of the four months: April, June, September, and November.

There are 31 days in each of the seven months: January, March, May, July, August, October, and December.

The only month with 28 days is February. Every four years or on leap years, it has 29 days. There is a day extra in every year that is a multiple of 4, and that day is February 29.

Knuckles Method

The “knuckles” method involves counting the days in each month by counting your knuckles and the spaces between them. Start by forming fists with your hands in front of you. Flip them over so that the back of your hand is on top.

Remember that your knuckles represent the 31-day months at this point. The gap between each knuckle stands in for the remaining months.

Frequently Asked Questions on Order of Months ( FAQs )

What are the months of the year in order?

The names of the months in order are the following:

  1. January ( 31 days )
  2. February ( 28 days, 29 days on a leap year )
  3. March ( 31 days )
  4. April (30 days )
  5.  May ( 31 days )
  6. June ( 30 days )
  7. July ( 31 days )
  8. August ( 31 days )
  9. September ( 30 days )
  10. October ( 31 days )
  11. November ( 30 days )
  12. December ( 31 days )

The first and final months of the year are January and December, respectively. The year ends at midnight on December 31st, which is also known as New Year’s Eve, and the new year begins on January 1.

Which month has the lowest number of days?

The month of February has the lowest number of days.

Which is the year’s final month?

The month of December is the last month of the year.

A year is made up of how many months?

Twelve months make up a year. These months include:

November, and

Which months include the first half of the year?

The months in the first half of the year include the  following:


Which months include the second half of the year?

The months in the second half of the year include the  following:


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  • "Order of Months". Helping with Math. Accessed on January 20, 2025. https://helpingwithmath.com/order-of-months/.

  • "Order of Months". Helping with Math, https://helpingwithmath.com/order-of-months/. Accessed 20 January, 2025.

  • Order of Months. Helping with Math. Retrieved from https://helpingwithmath.com/order-of-months/.