Related Resources
The various resources listed below are aligned to the same standard, (4NF02) taken from the CCSM (Common Core Standards For Mathematics) as the Fractions Worksheet shown above.
Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.
Similar to the above listing, the resources below are aligned to related standards in the Common Core For Mathematics that together support the following learning outcome:
Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering
- Understanding equivalent fractions (From Example/Guidance)
- How to simplify fractions (From Example/Guidance)
- Equivalent Fraction Cards #1 (matching equivalent fractions. e.g. 4/10 = 2/5) (From Activity)
- Equivalent Fraction Cards #2 (matching equivalent fractions. e.g. 6/15 = 2/5 – slightly harder) (From Activity)
- Reducing Fractions – Simplest Form e.g. 6/12 = 1/2 (From Worksheet)
- Equivalent Fractions (3 of 3) (From Worksheet)
- Equivalent Fractions (1 of 3) e.g. 1/3 = 3/9 (From Worksheet)
- Equivalent Fractions (2 of 3) e.g. 9/3 = 1/3 (From Worksheet)
- Comparing Fractions (1 of 4) – two fractions – includes with fraction bar (From Worksheet)
- Comparing Fractions (2 of 4) – using common denominators (From Worksheet)
- Matching Equivalent Fractions (From Game)
- Target Equivalent Fractions (From Game)