Using worksheets is often not the best approach for people with Dyscalculia. However, the resources below have been developed with those who have dyscalculia and/ or dyslexia in mind.
Note that the Worksheet Generators allow the number and spacing of questions to be varied.
Target Game
Number line
- Blank: 10 Intervals & Hops – for practice with times tables and other patterns
- 2 x 1 digit e.g. 54 x 5 requires only 2x, 5x, or 10x multiplication facts.
- 3 x 1 digit e.g. 512 x 7 requires only 2x, 5x, or 10x multiplication facts.
- Making (Bridging) 10 e.g. 7 + 4, 8 + 5
- Making (Bridging) Multiples of 10 e.g. 17 + 5, 78 + 7
Number bonds
- Number Bonds To 100 (with blank number lines)
Number bonds to 10
- Number bonds for 3 & 4
- Number bonds for 5
- Number bonds for 6
- Number bonds for 7
- Number bonds for 8
- Number bonds for 9
- Number bonds for 4 & 5 : Stacked to color
- Number bonds for 6, 7, & 8 : Stacked to color
- Number bonds for 9 & 10 : Stacked to color
- Complements to 10 Number Search Complements to 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10
Slightly Different
- Adding To Subtract e.g. 45 – 27 = (45+3 = 48) – (27+3=30) = 18
- Breaking Numbers Apart (3-Page Addition and Subtraction Worksheet)
Third/ Fourth Grade
- Addition & Subtraction (larger numbers) e.g. up to 999,999
Worksheet Generator
- Customizable Addition Worksheet Generator
- Addition & Subtraction Worksheets
- Customizable Multiplication Worksheet Generator
- Customizable Subtraction Worksheet Generator
- Multiplication & Division Worksheet Generator
- Multiplication/ Division Worksheet Generator (e.g. __ x 3 = 21, 54 ÷ ___ = 9
- Box Method Multiplication : 1-digit x 2-digit
- Partial Products Method Multiplication
- Multiplication (multi-digit) inc. by multiples of 10 and of 100
- Decimals Worksheet Generator
- Rounding to the Nearest 10 & 100 To the nearest 10 and/ or 100
- Rounding Large Numbers From to the 1000s up to the 100 millions’ place.
- Rounding Decimals Nearest whole unit, tenth, hundredth, and/ or thousandth.
- Percentage Worksheet Generator
- Addition/ Subtraction Worksheet Generator (adding and/or subtracting zeros, ones, and/or doubles)
- Addition/ Subtraction Worksheet Generator (Cuisenaire Rod-like)
- Addition/ Subtraction Worksheet Generator
- Adding & Subtracting with 3 Numbers (e.g. 5 + 6 + 3 = 14, 12 – 3 + 7 = 16)